Monday, October 1, 2012

October Unprocessed

I had the best weekend with my best friends. It was processed and full of poor choices but it was worth it. Sometimes you just need that. Leaving on Sunday my body was not happy with me but it set me up perfectly for October Unprocessed.

It is a pledge to eat unprocessed food for the month of October. The author of Eating Rules explains unprocessed as something that you can make yourself in the kitchen. If it has a label and can not easily be reproduced then it is processed. The best part of this challenge and his philosophy is that you can make unprocessed fit to you. 

If you don't think you can go totally "unprocessed" for a month then choose a highly processed and chemically altered ingredient to cut out aka high fructose corn syrup. 

To give you some unprocessed meal inspiration, here is our meal from tonight:

Organic boneless skinless Chicken Breast cooked in Ghee and seasoned with Penzey's Lemon Pepper. With roasted Baby Red Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Green Pepper, Onion and Zucchini. Put all of it in the oven at 400 for about 25 minutes. 

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