Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Peach Cherry Cobbler

So, I have this problem. I can't sit down for very long. I can try to watch a movie but I just realize the other things I could be doing...like lesson planning or the dishes. Last night, I decided to relax and rest so that I could beat this on going migraine. I had cider, watched Downton Abbey and started to knit.

Knit 2, Purl 2, Knit 2....oh I should do the dishes.

Purl 2, Knit 2, Purl 2... ooo I have all of the things to make a cobbler.

Go into kitchen and put together the most glorious no recipe cobbler ever!

Step 1: Coat baking dish with Pam or butter.
Step 2: Put in fruit. I decided on Organic Peaches and Tart Unsweetened Door County Cherries.
Step 3: Cut up cold butter and layer on.
Step 4: Sprinkle with nutmeg and cinnamon.
Step 5: Mix together oats, brown sugar and maple syrup. (unknown quantities)
Step 6: Layer on the top.
Step 7: Add more cold butter chunks.
Step 8: Heat oven to 350 and place inside.
Step 9: Enjoy!
Seriously, fool proof.
Disclaimer: Oats are a grain that is WHEAT free but not gluten free. I use Bob's Red Mill Oats that are gluten free.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 14

Picture Post:

Breakfast: Banana, Peanut Butter, Sunflower Seeds and Raisins
Treat :)
New granola bar! A little chewy but it really fills you up. I checked out the Earnest Eats website and I can't wait to try the hot oats. It is wheat free!
Dinner: Pizza with Cauliflower Crust

What is in My Kitchen

Watch out world I am on a roll! These past couple of days I have craved bread more than I had in the past. I think it is because I had some on Friday. However, I am back on track. Some of you have asked about meals and ideas etc. I decided after cleaning out my cupboards yesterday to show you what is in my kitchen.

Hopefully, this can give you an insight into my food life.

The one cupboard/pantry we have :)
Top shelf: Oils (canola, coconut, ghee, olive) & Sauces (peanut, hoisin, sesame)
Middle shelf: Tomato sauce, pistachos, popcorn, quinoa, rasins, sunflower seeds, flax
Bottom shelf: Chocolate chips, almonds, peanuts, canned soup
Top shelf: Rice noodles, brown rice, kraft mac and cheese (leftover), carrot ginger soup, apple cider vinegar
Middle shelf: Spices, peanut butter (not at all my peanut butter of choice but I did not want to go to another store for peanut butter), honey
Bottom shelf: Beans, soup and nutritional yeast
Fridge: Lots of Produce! Diced chicken, cooked chicken breast, feta cheese, corn and bean salsa, eggs, apples, oranges, cauliflower, tortillas, lettuce, spinach, mushrooms, kale, celery, carrots, sweet potatoes.
Bottom Drawer: onions & cheese
Don't judge my condiment door: mustard, Siracha, any salad dressing you could imagine, milk, syrup, mayo, bbq, apple cider.

Like I said before, I try to eat minimally processed foods and now am attempting to go gluten free. Some of the things in my kitchen still contain wheat because I can't justify throwing them away. Thankfully, my wonderful husband has agreed to eat them :)

Quick Day 13 Post

This really might be the lamest post ever but I wanted to give you a little insight into Saturday. Saturday morning I had chips and black bean dip for breakfast. I woke up with a migraine which is not that rare for me. However, I have not had one this bad in a while. 
Lunch was tuna salad and dinner was a mixture of bites and licks. I really just was not feeling well. 

Tuna Salad: awesome source of lean protein and fiber

Sometimes if I get some blood flowing the migraine goes away. This was my attempt at 7 pm. It didn't work but at least I burned some calories.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Food Journal: Day 12

MY DAY OFF! I just love having a day to do whatever you need to do.

I started the day with an egg salad.
Then I went to workout but ended up getting groceries and fall decorations for our home.
:) whoops.

We have this awkward shelf above our tv and I haven't done anything with it until now. Once I was done with was time for lunch and then I went to get my hair cut and dyed. I went back to a reddish brown. Perfect for fall. I also noticed the cat grass sprouted so I let the boys explore. They loved it!
Once I was done with my hair I got home and decided I really didn't want to make anything. So John and I went out to Brickhouse BBQ. It is one of his favorite places in Madison and they have a gluten free menu. I got a chicken breast with no bun :) It was so tasty.

After, we met up with friends for drinks. I ended up having some beer and some deep fried food. Not gluten free but I was amazed at how much I disliked how it tasted. I was actually hungry so that didn't help but it taught me that my taste buds are changing for the better. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Food Journal: Day 11

Today I have a professional development conference all day. I am going to bring my lunch because it said box lunch on the information sheet. I know that box lunch means....cookie, chips and a wilted lettuce sandwich... not my style.

Breakfast: On the run
Monster Cookie & Coffee

Poor poor choice. I should have known that the breakfast supplied at this conference would be packaged muffins.

Lunch: Jimmy John's & Salad
Meat and Lettuce from the sub
Potato Chips
Apple from salad

What a strange lunch. But let me tell you I said no to that bread and cookie.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Journal: Day 10

I have never been so excited for a Wednesday! We have a short week this week, professional learning on Thursday and VACATION DAY on Friday. OHEMGEEEE!

I have so many things planed and I just can not wait, because I know you care what I have planned here it is. Brace yourself, it is very exciting.

H2O Bootcamp
Girls Night

Starbucks (you read it right folks two days this week)
Hi Lo Aerobics
Haircut and color
Lesson Planning
Hanging out with friends!

I just can not wait! It really is the little things in life. My challenge will be controlling my joy by appreciating the conversation and people not the food and drinks.

Before I talk about my food for today I just want to say a HUGE thank you to all of you for listening to this boring blog of food. It really helps keep me accountable and I hope helps give you some ideas for meals.

Day 10:

Breakfast: Coffee with maple syrup
3 Egg Whites, Corn, Beans, Onion and Tomatoes.

Snack: Pistachios and an Apple

Lunch: Tilapia with Baked Sweet Potato, Carrot, Onion and Zucchini.

Dinner: Gluten Free Barely There Dairy Pizza.
Gluten Free Crust with Tomato sauce, Pesto, Spinach, Zucchini, Onion sprinkled with Feta.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Food Journal: Day 9

9 days, I really can't believe how fast time goes. Those monster cookies really are the death of me but my wonderful hubby put a positive post it note on the cookie jar. It essentially reminds me to not have a cookie and remember what I am working for. I have felt extremely off lately. My back and neck are very sore along with just being off. However, I am just going to keep on keeping on because if I don't then I only have myself to blame.

On to the food journal:

Breakfast: 3 egg whites, black beans, corn and tomatoes.

Snack: Pistachos and raisins.

Lunch: Spinach with chicken, feta, apples, rasins and sunflower seeds.

Dinner: Something with zucchini, I have a ton!

I teach water aerobics tonight so I am hoping to get a short run in before.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Getting Back to the Nitty Gritty

This past week was crazy with parent teacher conferences. I did awesome with 7 days of being gluten free but I really got away from the unprocessed side of things. I ate out once and it was a fantastic greek pita. But along the way I stumbled into processed gluten free food (there is a lot out there). So, I want to get back to my main focus which is choosing unprocessed whole foods with being gluten free tucked in there.

I made monster cookies last night and had three. WOAH sugar rush. I am not used to eating that much candy/sugar. My body was hurting. But it is a new week and a new day and I know that I am making the right choices so I should be seeing the results.

Breakfast: Meat and Cheese Wrap -- same as the egg wrap minus the egg. I wasn't feeling too hot this morning so I just didn't know what to grab.

Snack: Unsweetened Apple Sauce with No Sugar Added Cherries.

Lunch: Chicken, Feta, Apple, Sunflower Salad & Butternut Squash

Snack: Apples

Dinner: Quinoa Burrito Bowl

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ice Cream and Cookie Dinner

It is okay to have ice cream and cookies for dinner. Because, if you don't savor the small things in life you end up binge eating and regretting those simple pleasures.

Monster Cookies- Gluten Free

2 sticks of butter
1 1/2 c. peanut butter
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 teaspoons baking soda
4 cups oats
--measurements at your discretion--
chocolate chips
butterscotch chips

Bake at 350 from 10-12 minutes.
Lesson learned, make sure your cookie dough is cold before making these. Because there is no flour in them they tend to spread out.

I spent the rest of the night lesson planning with my little buddy. And finally got up and went for a beautiful fall run.

and then I had dinner.

fail on the woodchuck but fantastic cookie sundae.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Fun Day!

Even though it is raining out and I didn't get my morning Starbucks I am on cloud nine today. No particular reason just a happy healthy day.

Tonight, I have a date with the cutest boy I know. Hanging out with Henry makes any day great.

Food journal today is a bit untraditional. Once I hit the weekend my fridge looks pretty bare.

Breakfast: Apple, Celery, Peanut Butter and Raisins

Snack: Popcorn

Lunch: Spinach, Apples, Feta, Tomatoes and Sunflower Seeds with a Baked Sweet Potato.

Dinner: Not sure yet.

Before I go hang out with Henry I am going to hit the gym for a spin class. If you have not tried spin it is a must! I love the ability to go at your own pace but still get an awesome cardio workout in.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Food Journal: Day 4 & HIIT Workout

If you haven't already read it somewhere else High Intensity Training is something that everyone needs to integrate into their weekly training. So, here it is for your viewing pleasure my own personal HIIT treadmill workout.

5 minute light jog warm up.
1:00  6.3 (or average running pace)
0:30  6.6
0:30  6.9
0:30  7.2
1:00  6.3
1:00  4.3
1:00  6.4
0:30  6.7
0:30  7.0
0:30  7.2
1:00  6.3
1:00  4.5
1:00  6.4

15 push ups
15 sit ups
20 bicycles
20 push ups
25 sit ups
25 bicyles

Repeat intervals x1
5 minute cool down

Food Journal -
Another long night with parent teacher conferences. My hope it is to go to the gym after and bust out this interval training. In order to do that I need to fuel my body the right way. A lot of protein,  complex carbs from whole foods and veggies of course.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, turkey & feta cheese
Protein & Calcium -- cheese is a great source of protein and the fat in cheese allows for proper digestion of nutrients.
(that is the least appetizing photo ever. Sorry, no cute plates and awesome lighting #Tupperware)

Snack: Apple ( I don't think you need a picture of an apple)

Lunch: Amy's Burrito with spinach, salsa and greek yogurt.
More ingredients and preservatives than I normally like but I was on a time crunch today.

Dinner:  Chicken Sausage and Acorn Squash

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Food Journal: Day 3

This morning I spent 20 minutes debating if I should just throw my scale away. I have been fighting ten pounds since last year. I don't know why those pounds came on and no matter what I do WILL NOT come off. I hate thinking about it, I hate obsessing about it. Because I know better. But they just eat away at my positive thinking.

Enough of my morning pity party.

Food Journal: Day 3 (sorry if you are sick of this but boy it keeps me accountable)

Breakfast: Wheatless Egg Wrap & Banana

Snack: Lara Bar

Lunch: Chicken Booyah

Dinner: Chicken Sausage and Sweet Potato Fries

Workout: Something :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Food Journal: Day 2

So I had planned squash and zucchini for dinner but this is how dinner went...
4:30 pm  I come home from school starving. I decide to just make dinner.

Heat up squash, cut up apple, put a small dab of organic caramel on it, cut a piece of carrot, pumpkin cake.

Decide squash is not what I want. Eat apple. Cut another one, decide I don't like the caramel.
Eat pumpkin bar. Still hungry, grab gluten free chips and dip. Eat some. Decide I am thirsty. Decide to stop eating.

If I could make every meal a smorgasbord of food I would. I love to pick at my food and have an array of items. Tonight, I am at school til 8 so I do not have that luxury.

Day 2:

Sleep - 7.5 hours

Breakfast: Wheatless Egg Wrap

Step One: Lay out deli meat, cheese and spinach.

Step Two: Cook Egg

Step Three: Wrap together

Snack: Banana and Lara Bar

Lunch: Salad & Fruit

I go through phases with salads. It is a love hate relationship mainly because I dislike salad dressing. However, I think I have found my staple salad and dressing. It is the perfect combination of savory and sweet.

Chicken Breast, Gala Apple, Feta Cheese, Onion, Spinach and Sunflower Seeds - topped with Red Wine Vinegar and Olive Oil.

Afternoon Snack: Celery and Peanut Butter

Dinner: Amy's Gluten Free Veggie Lasagna

AHMAZING! I will definitely be getting this again. I am not one for microwave meals but this did the trick.

Overall, a great day. I have conferences until 8 and then I plan on going to the gym for a quick run. I know I will be tired and but I know I won't regret it.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Food Journal : Day 1

After a continuous week of reading and listening to the argument of a gluten free diet I have decided to journal 30 days of eating gluten free. I will continue to eat unprocessed foods but now I will also take gluten out of my diet.

I am planning on meeting with a nutritionist later this month. Mainly, because I want to see how my body works, also because I think it would be super cool. My hope is that by journaling I can show the doctor exactly what I am putting into my body.

If anything it allows you to see what I eat everyday.

Day One:

Total Sleep: 7 hours
Not quite enough sleep. I could tell that my body was not ready for Monday.

Breakfast: 7:30 a.m.

2 eggs, havarti cheese, natural turkey breast, organic ketchup and spinach.

Snack: 10:15 a.m.

1/2 cup plain greek yogurt, raspberries, blackberries with honey.

Lunch: 12:00
Spinach with chicken, apples, onion, feta cheese and tomatoes topped with red wine vinegar dressing.
Dessert: gluten free pumpkin carrot cake

Afternoon Snack 3:30 - apple

Dinner: 7:30 Acorn Squash & Zucchini

Workout: 4 mile run & weights