Mushroom, Kale & Beef with Marinara - kind of tasted like butt but it didn't matter because I was so hungry.
Brats, Sauerkraut and Watermelon - If you haven't figured it out already I love brats. This meal tastes like summer. I could eat it everyday, which is probably why I have the leftovers for breakfast.
Please feel free to judge.
Salmon, Sweet Potatoes and Broccoli - A super easy staple meal. It takes less than 20 minutes to make.
Snack Platter- My mom used to make these when I was little. It was meat, fruit and veggies and usually a bowl of peanuts with raisins. I decided to make the more mature version which included Turkey, Spinach and Guac Roll Ups, Tomatoes and Apples with Almond Butter.
Demo Derby Picnic- Yes, I went to a demo derby. It was like being in a alternate universe. We grilled out before hand. Take a guess at which food was mine.
OMG HERE I AM PICTURED WITH A RED SOLO CUP! H2O does the body good. I was also the designated driver so I couldn't give into temptation. (Side note: Megan just asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding! YAY)
Last but not least, Idiot Proof Buffalo Chicken Salad, this was FANTASTIC! I love chicken wings and Frank's Hot Red Sauce. What is even more perfect is that Frank's is Whole30 approved.
Idiot Proof Buffalo Chicken Salad:
1 bag of frozen chicken breast
1 bottle of Frank's Red Hot Sauce
1 c. Water
Get out your crockpot.
Take chicken out of the bag.
Plop chicken breast into crockpot.
Pour 1 cup of water over the chicken.
Put the lid on the crockpot.
Turn crockpot on low.
Wait 5 hours.
Take out two forks and shred chicken.
Put chicken into a bowl with tongs. (I use tongs because they are fun.)
Pour entire bottle of Frank's onto chicken.
Mix with tongs.
Get out a plate.
Put spinach onto plate.
Put 1-2 tongfulls of chicken onto spinach.
Add chopped celery, cucumber and tomato.
Get a fork and eat.
SEE! Easy! This makes a ton! So feel free to freeze some of the chicken before you season it.
Yum! We made Buffalo Chicken Salad the other day and it is so easy and delicious. Thanks for posting :)