Monday, July 15, 2013

Idiot Proof Buffalo Chicken Salad

Let's do a little time travel through my meals shall we?

Mushroom, Kale & Beef with Marinara - kind of tasted like butt but it didn't matter because I was so hungry. 

Brats, Sauerkraut and Watermelon - If you haven't figured it out already I love brats. This meal tastes like summer. I could eat it everyday, which is probably why I have the leftovers for breakfast. 

Please feel free to judge.

Salmon, Sweet Potatoes and Broccoli - A super easy staple meal. It takes less than 20 minutes to make. 

Snack Platter- My mom used to make these when I was little. It was meat, fruit and veggies and usually a bowl of peanuts with raisins. I decided to make the more mature version which included Turkey, Spinach and Guac Roll Ups, Tomatoes and Apples with Almond Butter. 

Demo Derby Picnic- Yes, I went to a demo derby. It was like being in a alternate universe. We grilled out before hand. Take a guess at which food was mine. 

OMG HERE I AM PICTURED WITH A RED SOLO CUP! H2O does the body good. I was also the  designated driver so I couldn't give into temptation. (Side note: Megan just asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding! YAY)

Last but not least, Idiot Proof Buffalo Chicken Salad, this was FANTASTIC! I love chicken wings and  Frank's Hot Red Sauce. What is even more perfect is that Frank's is Whole30 approved. 

Idiot Proof Buffalo Chicken Salad:

1 bag of frozen chicken breast 
1 bottle of Frank's Red Hot Sauce
1 c. Water

Get out your crockpot. 
Take chicken out of the bag. 
Plop chicken breast into crockpot. 
Pour 1 cup of water over the chicken. 
Put the lid on the crockpot.
Turn crockpot on low. 
Wait 5 hours. 
Take out two forks and shred chicken. 
Put chicken into a bowl with tongs. (I use tongs because they are fun.) 
Pour entire bottle of Frank's onto chicken. 
Mix with tongs. 

Get out a plate. 
Put spinach onto plate. 
Put 1-2 tongfulls of chicken onto spinach. 
Add chopped celery, cucumber and tomato. 

Get a fork and eat. 

SEE! Easy! This makes a ton! So feel free to freeze some of the chicken before you season it. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 2 :Ginger Chicken

28 days left and I feel great. It helps that I have followed a paleo diet since January. I still get sugar cravings but I try to supplement with carbs post workout. What I have noticed most is that I am CRAVING water. It has been super  humid but I just can not get enough of the sh*t. Good thing it is free.

Today was just your run of the mill Tuesday so I will get to my eats and my workout.


3 Slices of Turkey
Almond Butter

I do not know why I thought this would keep me full. I ate at 7:15 and I was hungry by 7:45. Lesson learned.


Lemon Mayo
Kale Chips - 1 head of kale

WOAH MIND BLOWN! I made my own mayo today and it changed my life. It tastes nothing like regular mayo. It is light and flavorful but not laden with chemicals. This meal was a total success.

(side note: I have zero windows in my kitchen so sorry for awful pictures. I am trying to find the best place to do my food photography. I think I might have to take them in the hallway)

I prepped dinner before I went to run errands and workout. I knew I wouldn't want to cook when I got home. Prepping food is the key for Whole30 success.

I ended up going to the 5:30 WOD, turns out on Tuesdays the 5:30 WOD is an Olympic lifting class. I ended up figuring out my 1 rep max for Power Snatches. Then I stayed for the 6:30 WOD.

WOD: 2 min x 3  AMRAP - Power Snatch (so this sucked after an hour of doing this exact movement)

"Fran" When a WOD is named after a woman it is considered a benchmark workout. They name them after women who "leave you on your back".

21   Thruster/ Pull Ups

Time: 6:41


Ginger Chicken
Sweet Potatoes

I created the chicken recipe this morning and I am so happy with how it turned out. I am a huge ginger fan so this was awesome.


1 package of chicken legs
3 TBS Kerrygold Butter
1 TBS Minced Garlic
2 TBS Minced Ginger
3 TBS Coconut Aminos
1 TBS Penzey's Bouquet Blend

Preheat oven to 325.
Put butter, garlic, ginger and coconut aminos into a microwave safe bowl. Heat until butter is melted. Add in spice blend. Whisk or blend until well mixed.
Place your chicken into a baking dish and drizzle sauce over chicken.

Bake for 30-45 minutes or until chicken is golden brown on top.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 1

Day 1, here it is folks.

2 Eggs, Turkey and Guacamole.

I really am trying to like eggs. They are super easy but it takes a lot for me to not want to gag every time I eat them. However, this was delicious and kept me full until I got home at noon.

For lunch I made a simple tuna salad on spinach and paired it with an apple and almond butter. This is not rocket science people just a whole lot of lazy.

I caught up on chores around the apartment and then got ready for the evening. On Mondays I have Crossfit and teach Water Aerobics. They are opposite workouts so I love pairing them together. 

Today's WOD: (Workout of the Day) 

4 Rounds:
10 Push-ups
10 Power Cleans (75 lbs)
15 Burpees
20 Box Jumps
25 Kettle Bell Swings

After Crossfit I drove to the pool. I had some serious dirt on me from the WOD, not to mention I was drenched in sweat. 

Water Aerobics- 60 minutes

I feel lucky that I get to teach at such a wonderful pool. It doesn't even feel like I am working out. The ladies are great and often get caught up in neighborhood drama, which is hilarious to listen to.

Once aerobics was done I rushed home to make dinner before a meeting. Tonights dinner was a quick one skillet meal. Grass fed beef, mushrooms, kale and tomato sauce. I didn't even remember to take a picture.

Now it is time for bed. On to Day 2!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Preparing for a "30 Day Challenge" or Lifestyle Change

As I sit in my hot un-airconditioned apartment thinking about the past week of festivities  I wanted to begin documenting this 30 day challenge in a different way. Not only am I participating in a Whole30 with friends but my Crossfit box is beginning a 30 paleo challenge next week. My goal is to maintain the blog as a roadmap for a successful diet challenge. These tips are great for anyone who is ready to make a change. You do not have to be paleo or do a Whole30.

My hope is to document my meals and workouts for everyday. I will be putting before and after measurements and pictures on the blog as well. For me the documentation of measurements and pictures are critical for success along the way. It is so easy to get discouraged during a challenge but being able to compare those before and after pictures is critical. 

Tip #1: Take Before, During and After Pictures

My suggestion would be to take a clothing picture and a bikini picture. 
Make sure that if you have someone take the picture for you that you have them take your progress pictures as well. It is hard to judge progress when you have different angles. 

NOTE: please no bathroom selfies. 

During my April Whole 30, I took a picture every week and would use the app Pic Stich to compare them. I still look back on those pictures to judge my current progress. It is important to wear the same thing every time. 

Tip #2: Clearly understand the food guidelines and clean out your KITCHEN!

Lets be honest. You can SAY you are going to do a challenge but if you have those tempting foods in your kitchen you WILL eat them. Just get them out. These challenges are meant to help you make a lifestyle change and those "cheat" foods will not help you get there.

"Having cheats is like going on a road trip and taking pit stops. You will still get there but the more you stop the longer it will take you."

Fill your fridge and cupboards with compliant food. Don't be afraid to buy too much. You can always make more than you need and freeze it. 

Some of my favorite Whole 30 snacks are...
- Apples and Almond Butter 
- Applegate Farms Deli Meat and Berries
- Dried Mango
- Nuts
- Jerky 

Tip #3: Plan out your meals. 

You do not need to be Juila Child to  participate in a paleo challenge. However, you do need to prepare food and cook A LOT. If you are not someone who can just throw something together then I would highly recommend planning out your meals. I use the website Chowstalker because it has a tab for Whole30.  I also have a google spreadsheet where I plan my meals for the week. I make a list of what I need and what I have. 
During the school year I use Sunday as my food prep days. This means I chop/cook 89% of my food for the week. Since it is summer I will have more time to prepare meals during the day. 
Again, you do not have to create a culinary masterpiece every night. Most nights I have salmon, kale chips and sweet potatoes. However, if you find yourself starving when you get home from work I would suggest making plates of food ahead of time so you have something easily accessible. 

Tip #4: Do not try and start any other new lifestyle changes. 

I am the number one culprit of this. I often think...."Okay, I am going to do a whole30, floss my teeth everyday, train for a marathon, start crossfit and finish a 92345093 piece puzzle." Guess what happens...I fail. Take it one step at a time. I feel like I have a really great grasp on my own nutrition and fitness. But if you are not someone who works out a lot, I would not suggest working out the first week of Whole 30. You will get carb flu and you will want to put your head down and sleep. Once you get into the swing of things (say week 2 or 3) then adding in a small walk or run is awesome. 
I will be posting my crossfit workouts and my running schedule. Again, I am crazy person and literally climb the walls if I don't workout. DO NOT FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE TO DO THIS TO BE SUCCESSFUL. 

Tip #5: Get a lot of SLEEP. 

I love sleep. I am an old lady who loves going to bed at 9:30 and getting 8-9 hours of sleep. This is because I notice a huge difference when I don't. Your body needs rest and with a diet change you will feel it more. Sleep is one of the key ingredients to letting go of fat and increasing your energy levels. I realize that some of you reading this blog have adorable nuggets of sunshine that do not let you sleep for that long. It is important that you are getting as big of chunks of sleep as you can. 
If you did not have a good night of sleep then I would recommend NOT working out the next day and being very mindful of the sugar cravings you will get. You want to make sure you get LARGE servings of protein and healthy carbs. 

Tip #6: Surround yourself with supportive people. 

I will tell you right now people will NOT understand why you are doing this. They will try to convince you it is okay to cheat or have just a little. They will not get that eating a diet high in protein and fat will help you lose fat. 
Please feel free to recommend It Starts With Food and explain that eating this way makes you feel better. Leave it there. 
I have found the most difficult thing is to justify to others why you are doing this. WHO THE EFF CARES WHAT THEY THINK? You are doing this for you. But that means you have to be strong in your values and take pride in your decisions. 

That being said. Please reach out to people who are completing similar challenges or lead a similar lifestyle. It is easy to vent to someone who is doing the same thing. There are several Whole30 and Paleo groups on Facebook along with the forum on the Whole9Life website. 
The more people you have behind you, the more successful you will be. 

If you do not have someone who you can talk to. Please leave your name and e-mail and I will personally e-mail you. 

Tip #7: Remember, it is only 30 days. 

You can do this. The only thing you have to lose is fat, dull skin, dry hair, shitty moods and a lack of energy. 

So ready or not, here we go! 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

What is on my Plate

Run, Aerobics, Crossfit, Teach, Girls on the Run, Aerobics, Teach, Crossfit, Run, Girls on the Run, Breathe.

Maybe training for a half marathon, volunteering to coach Girls on the Run and joining Crossfit was not such a good idea. But that is my life and I am relishing in the moment. Since I have not had time to think I really haven't been in the blogging mindset. However, I have taken plenty of pictures of my food so if anything you can see what I have been eating.

This weekend I am going to begin to pack up our apartment for the move in two weeks. I hate moving but I am excited to move into a bigger place. It is also one mile from my Crossfit box so I will be able to run there!

Chicken Breast Salad with Strawberries and Artichoke Hearts

Bacon Wrapped Bison Burger with Spinach, Tomatoes and Sweet Potatoes

Chicken Sausage, Zucchini and Asparagus

Apples & Strawberries sprinkled with Cinnamon

A now for a rest day and some Grey's Anatomy. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Easy Paleo Crockpot Chicken Soup

I lost my Sunday food prep this week so I had to come up with something to make that would last me the week. I search through the internet to find some chicken soup recipes and finally this is the hybrid that I came up with. It is an awesome one pot recipe that honestly a third grader could make.

Crockpot Paleo Chicken Soup

4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
4 Cups of Bone Broth (store bought is fine)
1 Can Diced Tomatoes
1 Bag of Frozen Butternut Squash
1 Onion
3 Stalks of Celery
5 Diced Carrots
Any other veggies you have.
Penzey's Green Goddess
Penzey's Ruth Ann's Muskego Chicken and Fish Seasoning
Onion Powder

Throw it all in the crockpot on low for 5-7 hours. Shred the chicken with a fork and serve when ready.

Ending the day with this quote. It is perfect for the feeling I get after completing a Crossfit WOD.

Today's WOD:
4 Rounds

20 Burpee's
15 Overhead Squats
20 Kettle bell Swings


Monday, April 15, 2013

What! What?!?!? Day 15

HELLO! The sun is shining, it is Monday and I wore my sandals to school. Because, only two people read this blog they already know that the weather has been crappy BUT NOW THE SUN IS OUT!

I had an amazing weekend! Beginning on Friday night I had my last Crossfit training, Saturday morning I got to go to my first Crossfit WOD and then it was the Viennese Ball! I had such a wonderful time seeing all the people I love and sharing the joy of V-ball with our friends Megan and Ben.

(heading out to V-Ball)

Confession time, I did drink and I did have a cheat food. Meaning that I failed at Whole30. However, I knew this would happen and so I am at peace with it. I also will be doing Whole30 until May 26 so I have some time to make up for it. The biggest success was even though I "cheated" Saturday night I was strict on Sunday with no cravings.

I am ready for the week ahead!

Meal Plan Monday: all meals are subject to change

B- Starbucks with Kerry Gold, Apple, Peanut Butter, RAW bar.
(note: minimal food in the house)
L- Brat, Sweet Potato, Zucchini
D- Steak and Veggies
WOD: Girls on the Run/ Running

B-Steak,Veg, Eggs
L- Creamy Chicken Soup
D-Taco Salad
WOD: Running/ Water Aerobics

B- Eggs, Veg, Chicken Sausage
L- Bacon Wrapped Chicken
D- Soup
WOD: Crossfit

B-Bacon Wrapped Chicken
D- Turkey Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
WOD: Running

B- Eggs and Chicken Sausage
L- Turkey Stuffed Sweet Potato
D- Salmon and Kale Chips
WOD: Crossfit

Something leftover
WOD: Crossfit

WOD: Running

Sunday, April 7, 2013

7 Days and the Best is Yet to Come

When you complete a Whole30 they tell you that you will go through stages....

No Big Deal
Hangover/Carb Flu
Kill All the Things
All I Want to do is Take a Nap
Tiger Blood

I really thought this time was different, "Oh, I am so paleo that this Whole30 isn't even bothering me this time. I don't have any sugar is all rainbows and butterflies."


The past three nights I have had dreams where I "cheat" and I wake up thinking I actually did it. WHAT THE HELL? I am proud to say I have made it 7 days with no problem. I am lucky since I do have a dairy and gluten intolerance it is easy for me to say no to food. However, the sugar that I am turning down is really the hardest part of it all.

Next weekend, John and I are traveling to our alma mater to participate in the Annual Viennese Ball. This is a event where the campus transforms into Vienna and there is dancing, food, drinks and fun. Both John and I participated in this event through choir so it is near and dear to our hearts.

Positives to this weekend:


It is not even the food I am worried about. I have this paleo thing DOWN. But the booze. The wonderful delicious, knock you off your feet Long Islands. UGH.

I just don't know.

More on that later. Yesterday, I completed my first Crossfit WOD (workout of the day). I immediately fell in love with the box and the trainers.

WOAH....WHAT IS CROSSFIT?    (note: I am CAPSLOCK happy today)

Crossfit is interval training that uses body resistance, heavy weights and interval training. It usually happens in a very small space which is known as a "box". It is not your typical "bootcamp" it is SO much more.

My WOD yesterday was:

1000 m Row
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

30 Air Squats
20 Sit Ups
10 Push Ups ( no "girl" push ups allowed)
5 Pull Ups

Woof. I am happy to say I completed 4.75 rounds. However, I can not move today. But I will be back on Monday to start my first On-Ramp class.

I will leave you with some food pics.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Insert Clever Post Title Here - Whole 30 Day 3 & 4

Is it Friday yet? I only have a four day week but honestly my brain is in a fog. This week I had to stay late for work every night so I don't get home until 5:30 or 6. (suck it up, right?!?!) But those three hours go by quickly when you try to make dinner, blog and watch an episode of Walking Dead. Yes, I am obsessed. There is something about post apocalyptic shows that I just love.

I start coaching Girls on the Run today and I am super excited! Girls on the Run is a program for 3-5 grade girls that promotes a positive self image, teamwork and teaches them how to run a 5k. I just love anything with women, empowerment and running.


I digress.

And now for your viewing meals.

Wednesday Breakfast: Chicken, Broccoli, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Spinach and Guac.
You could call this a Breakfast Salad or Grab What is in the Fridge.

Wednesday Lunch: Short Ribs, Brussel Sprouts, Carrots and Mushrooms.

Thursday Breakfast: Eggs with Zucchini, Sweet Potato and Mushrooms. Orange and Kombucha.
I freakin love Kombucha. I think more than I love Starbucks but not more than I love my husband.

Thursday Lunch: Bison Stew (recipe will be posted later tonight)

I have also started taking some supplements. I have some digestion issues and I am doing my best to heal them naturally. So I try to eat or drink fermented foods such as Kombucha. But I also take these supplements.

D3: It is like a "Sunshine Pill"
L-Glutamine: Helps with gut health
Green: Daily Vitamin
Brown: Vitamin C
Tan: Acidophilus is a bacterial pill. They usually recommend you take this when you are on antibiotics. I am not on antibiotics but just like to make sure I am balanced (if you know what I mean).

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Whole 50: Day 2

A quick post before I head off to bed. Yes, I am going to bed at 9:30 because I love sleep. (I also wake up at 4:15 am, so I usually hit a wall by 8.)

Today was the first day back at school after spring break. I absolutely love my class and I missed them a ton over break. However, I need to mention that there are 50 days left of school. I might love those little stinkers, but I am ready for summer!

For breakfast, I grabbed a frozen bowl of bone broth soup and a bottle of kombucha. You might ask yourself, "What is bone broth soup?" Bone broth + leftover meat + veggies = B.B. Soup.

More importantly, do you remember that amazing steak dinner John made last night? For lunch, I paired the leftover steak with a sweet potato and zucchini. It was scrumptious.

After work, I had a meeting and then had to teach aerobics. I knew I wouldn't get home and eat until 8:00, so I called John on the way and had him cook some salmon for dinner. Also pictured are a broccoli side, kale chips, and an apple and almond butter.

(note: salmon not in the picture, I was just TOO hungry to wait)

No frills with my food today, but I felt satisfied all day and am not having any carb flu symptoms or sugar cravings. In order to prepare for tomorrow, I popped some short ribs in the crockpot before I left for aerobics.

I came home and they smelled AMAZING.

Crockpot Short Ribs: (adapted from Practical Paleo) 

2-3 lbs of Short Ribs
15 oz Tomato Sauce
Penzey's BBQ 3000
Balsamic Vinegar

Cook on low for 4-6 hours. NOMS!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Whole 50: Day 1

Alright, there is no turning back now -- today was the beginning of my second Whole30. As I explained in a previous post, I will be doing a Whole50 (same principles, just twenty more days). Today, I am on vacation, so I was fortunate enough to have time to be able to prep for the week.

This morning, I went to Whole Foods and Woodmans to stock up on Whole 30 goodies. 

Lots of meat! Apparently, they have a huge sale on meat on Monday mornings so I stocked up, buying uncured bacon, salmon, ground chuck, ground beef, and steak (New York Strip).

(everything else - standard produce, coffee filters, almonds, guacamole)

Since I thought it would be a good idea to party last night with our good friends Megan and Ben, my stomach was not having anything to do with food this morning. By the time lunch rolled around, I was ready to start this Whole50 party. 

Lunch: Baked chicken, sweet potato, and brussel sprouts. 

Buying a rotisserie chicken this morning turned out to be a great decision, as the whole chicken is gutted and cooked for $8. This is a great option if you hate to cook (obviously not me) or if you just need to have something ready to eat. 

Dinner: New York Strip, Mushrooms and Broccoli (made by Mr. Lundquist)

Only 49 more days to go!  

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Whole 50 & Crossfit

Beginning April 1st, I am going to embark on a new life journey. I will start my second Whole30 but this time I am going to do a Whole50 (same principles, just 20 more days). I had great success with my last Whole30, but I would love to see if I can conquer the "sugar dragon" and find what works for me without regressing into old habits. It always helps to start a whole30 with friends, and this time my husband and two friends will be doing it with me. I will end my Whole50 with a half marathon and my husband's birthday.

My next step in this journey is to begin Crossfit. I have finally bitten the bullet and decided that I just need to spend the money and Crossfit. Luckily, I have an amazing husband that supports me and told me it was okay. :) I am going to go to an introductory class after my vacation in Arizona and I decided to pick a "box" (Crossfit gyms) that one of our friends goes to. She was not a crossfitter before she joined and she has nothing but good things to say about it. I can't wait to try it out.

I have been feeling very anxious and out of sync with my body lately. Hopefully, this will help realign my body, mind, and spirit.

New Shoes for Kari

For the first time ever in my running career, I went to get my running gait checked and get fitted for running shoes. I went to RunAway Shoes in Green Bay with my mom before leaving for Arizona. I worked with an awesome sales person who really knew his stuff, which reminded me a lot of going for a bra fitting at Victoria's Secret. Since I am a retired bra specialist, this one-on-one service meant a lot to me.

I ended up getting two different pairs of shoes -- one for distance running and one for Crossfit. Before this purchase, I was wearing Nike Free Run +3. I really liked them, but I had run them past their prime and was beginning to get shin splints. I found out at my consultation that since I over pronate, I need a stability shoe. I didn't like hearing that, as I really love my minimalist shoes. The solution? Brooks Cadence - they are nice and light but give me tight support around my arch and ankle. It is a completely different feeling than any other running shoe I have had before. I have not run in them yet but I am planning on doing a treadmill run tomorrow morning. I would love to take them out on the pavement but since there is still ice on the ground I don't want to risk it. 

The second pair I got for teaching aerobics and doing Crossfit. It is a minimalist shoe created by New Balance. THEY ARE AWESOME. I don't know if you can be in love with a shoe but I am. I have no shame. New Balance Minimus 10V2 - they are low to the ground and give a nice amount of cushion with still having the feeling of being barefoot. I can not wait to wear these to my first Crossfit session. 

If you are in the market for new shoes, I would highly recommend going to a running store and getting fit according to your running style and gait. It was definitely worth the time and the money. I am so pleased with both of my purchases. 

(Note: I am not a high heel or designer shoe person, so most of my shoe money goes to high quality running shoes or Birkenstocks.) 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Pineapple Cinnamon Pulled Pork

Last Thursday, I had a long after-school training and was not in the mood to make something to eat. John met me out for dinner (a rare thing for us) at the Great Dane. It is a local restaurant that brews its own beer and has a VERY tasty menu. Since modifying our diets to become paleo, eating out is an adventure. It is not hard, but you have to get a little creative with the menu. We each had a drink while we scanned the menu. John went with his standby, a burger with bacon and bbq sauce.

I was about to settle on a Thai dish when I spotted the Drunken Jerk: Tender pork shoulder soaked in spiced rum and our own jerk marinade wrapped in banana leaves and slow cooked with coconut-lime butter and pineapple salsa. Served with sweet fried plantains.  

I don't know if I have ever ordered straight-up "meat" at a restaurant. I'll have a burger or chicken sandwich every once in a while, but for those of you who know me, you know that this was a stretch. It came wrapped in banana leaves with a side of green beans. I was nervous but it ended up being really tasty. I didn't finish it all so I saved some of it for lunch the next day. This little bunny trail story brings me to today's post, Pineapple Cinnamon Pulled Pork.

I was searching for things to make for this week and remembered the delicious pork at the Great Dane and though, "I can make that pineapple pulled pork thing!" So naturally, I googled "paleo pineapple pulled pork". Several websites came up and I glanced over the recipes until I came up with my own.

Pineapple Cinnamon Pulled Pork

2-3 lbs Bone-in Pork Shoulder Roast
8 oz Chicken Stock or Coconut Milk (I used chicken stock)
1 can No Sugar Added Diced Pineapple
1 diced Onion
2 TBS Garlic
Salt & Pepper

Put all of the ingredients into a crock pot and cook on low for 5-7 hours.

I can't wait to taste it!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Thoughts

It is amazing how many times I can indulge on sugar treats and drinks that make me feel like a bloated ball of guilt for days. My head is in a fog, I am irritable and I have little to no motivation. But all it takes is two days of eating clean and the bloat is gone, I have limitless energy and my skin glows.

Why the eff do I continue to "indulge" and let's be real and just tell it like it is....I binge. Honestly...
It all got better when I saw two of my favorite men on TV last night. Shall we have a look?


Today was a wonderful day. My students were only slightly off task and I accomplished a lot for a Monday. When I got home from work there was a package at the door...MY NEW SANDALS AND HEART RATE MONITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I purposely "forgot" my workout clothes at home so I could stop home and get my new gadget. I always wanted to know exactly how hard I was working especially when I compare lifting weights to cardio. It made going to workout quite a treat.

I forgot to take a picture but I worked out for 32 minutes and burned 344 calories. I did a leg workout (lunges, squats, box jumps) and then ran for a mile. I can't wait to see where my heart rate is at during water aerobics. I usually break a sweat when I am teaching but there is no resistance since I am on land so I usually workout before I teach. This way I can see if my heart rate is raised the whole time I am teaching.

After the gym, I got home and began to prep for tomorrow.

Step 1: Unpack sweat gym clothes.
Step 2: Get new gym clothes.
Step 3: Take out Tupperware containers.
Step 4: Throw pre-made food into containers.
Step 5: Make John lunch.
Step 6: Write a blog post about prepping food.

And here I am. Last week I was scrounging for breakfast food and decided to have a fried egg on top of shredded beef. It was melt in your mouth delicious, but more importantly it kept me full for five hours. Today, I made a "breakfast bowl" this is like your typical Jimmy Dean Breakfast Bowl BUT SO MUCH BETTER.

Breakfast Bowl: 
Shredded Pork
Sweet Potato
Fried Egg

Layer in a tupperware container and heat up for 1-2 minutes.

Of course I couldn't stop at breakfast so I made lunch and my afternoon snack as well. I am trying to not snack during the day but I teach tomorrow so I won't be home until 7:30-8.

Lunch: Mustard Chicken and Broccoli with a side of tomatoes
Snack: Celery, Blueberries and Almond Butter

Taste the Rainbow.