Thursday, November 15, 2012

Paleo Grocery Shopping (under $100)

In the past, I have shown pictures of my grocery cart after grocery shopping, but that was before Johnny decided to go Paleo as well. :) This food was purchased without coupons and should feed us for 5-6 days (and was all less than $100! Go me!).

I've explained what food is in each picture. Below, you will also find the meals I have planned for the week (and links to some recipes).

Organic Rosemary, Organic Thyme, Celery, Broccoli, Mushrooms, 2 heads of Cauliflower, Alfalfa Sprouts and Organic Pink Lady Apples. I really need to go in further detail? I usually buy the Full Circle brand but I couldn't pass up the $0.50 eggs.
Salmon Fillets (Dill and Hickory Smoked), Hummus (Chipotle and Eggplant), Hot Italian Sausage, Salami, Apple Chicken Sausage, Garlic Chicken Sausage, 100 Cal Guacamole.

Sweet Potatoes, Red Pears, Zucchini, and Acorn Squash
Turkey Breast (for Thanksgiving), Sushi, Gluten Free BBQ sauce, Olives and Pickles.


Sweet Potato Pizza 
Roasted Cauliflower & BBQ Chicken
Nacho Salad
Apple Sausage, Onion, Apple Saute
Salmon and Broccoli
Acorn Squash
Hardboiled Eggs (with $0.50 eggs)

I try to plan out dinner for the week and then fill in the blanks with leftovers and creative meals. It is hard because John and I don't always eat together so I usually make something and then just leave it in the fridge.

If you want to see any other recipes from this list please let me know. I will be happy to post them for you!

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