If you don't know me well you might not know that I am very type A. I like things in an order and I follow a schedule. When I don't have a schedule or things fall out of order I get tight chested and freak out. Not a full blown crazy lady freak out but enough that I dwell on it for a while.
This school year has been particularly difficult for me. There are a number of reasons why but I am consumed with school. The result of this has forced me to give up the things I love cooking, working out and being with my friends.
Last April, I joined a Crossfit box and fell in love. I stopped the steady stream cardio and began seeing results that I had only ever dreamed of. I also did three different Whole30s. I really found my groove with working out and eating. Then the school year began and I hit a wall. Then we bought a house and a dog....my time was spread thin.
I thought it might just be September but then before I knew it, it was Christmas and I had lost touch with the things I really loved. I wasn't cooking as much and I certainly wasn't working out as much.
In January, I was all ready to take the year on and then after Christmas break life hit again. The cold weather and snow wasn't helping. Now it is the end of February and I am in the same hole I jumped in at the beginning.
I realize it seems like I am listing my excuses and whining. I know I know....excuses are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink.
My point in this post is to say to myself and the blogsphere that I am not making excuses anymore. I need to do What I Can When I Can. But I also need to realize that if I don't take time to do the things I love I won't be living the best life I can.
I can't promise I am going to blog more because that is just one more thing I need to do. But I can try to use the blog for more accountability. This is my time.
I am reaching out to you to ask for help. If you can- yell, scream, encourage. Do whatever you feel you need to do to get me on the up and up. I can be the person I was this summer. I just need to find my balance again.