Friday, September 28, 2012

"I don't like that" Mindset

I got this off of a Paleo group on Facebook. 

I love that concept and it makes total sense to me. Growing up I was convinced I didn't like eggs. It stemmed from a time when I got sick twice after eating eggs. It was probably just the flu but until I was a freshman in college I would not eat eggs. "I don't like eggs", honestly to this day I still have a really hard time eating them. 

The same concept goes for foods you are trying to avoid. If you say I can't then you feel deprived. Think of it like a food allergy. If you eat it you will get sick. 

This idea has some validity to it, if you eat sugar, fat and chemicals your body will get sick.  Being overweight and filling your body with unnatural foods prohibits your body from functioning correctly. 

I am going to attempt this "I don't like ...insert food here" this weekend. However, I don't know if the words " I don't like that tasty Octoberfest microbrew" will ever come out of my mouth. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012


I am presenting a challenge for myself after talking with my best friend last night.

Here is the situation...

Sometimes I crack myself up.

But really, the husband and I are going to EC for our college homecoming. It is going to be a much needed release from life. However, the way my brain works is that if you are going away for a weekend that means you can do whatever you want. (you are on vacation!)

NO. If you treat your body like garbage you will feel like garbage.

So, here is my challenge to myself.

I will stay on course while on "vacation".

The Rules:
- Stay true to the whole foods diet.
- 3 drinks per night.
- No binge eating

If I break the rules, Tay will most certainly let everyone know. I am also going to take pictures and post my food to help show you that you can make good decisions while other people are not.

This is not something that will be easy. But, in order to grow I need to challenge myself.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Just Keep Swimming...

I need to remind myself that small moments make a difference.
Making small choices and taking it day by day will make a difference.

Stay the course.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Phood Photography

My bridesmaid for life Laurie came up with the name for this blog. But she also inspired tonight's post. She loves pictures, so in honor of her I am posting what I ate today.

I forgot to take a picture at lunch but you will forgive me when you realize I have 20 minutes to sit, eat and breathe before the kids come back in.

Chobani Peach Yogurt (not whole foods due to the sugar in it but woah I love it)
Organic Granola
I usually eat breakfast on my morning commute.

I know it is not safe.
I know you should sit and eat.
But I will be honest with you, I don't want to wake up any earlier than 5:15 and sit at my kitchen table so I can look out at the ghetto parking lot.

My water bottle is my life saver. Seriously, I take it every where. It also was my "something blue" for my wedding. I am a sucker for morning snack, so my go to is apple and almond butter or a lara bar.

Turkey Porter Chili...whoowee spicy!

No afternoon snack today because I got to pick up this little guy...

Trader Joe's Shrimp Stir Fry with homemade sauce, I usually stray away from asian cuisine but I recently found that making a stir fry sauce is super easy and eliminates the sodium. 

Stir Fry Sauce:
Splash of Soy Sauce
TBS of Red Wine Vinegar
Sesame Oil
Hosin Sauce

I do not plan on eating anything else tonight because I am running later. 3 mile run nothing fancy.

You Are What You Eat

I realize times are tough but really...feeding cows candy?

Gummy Worms Replace Costly Corn

aka....I don't eat candy because of the sugar. Instead I eat beef. But if the cows are eating candy then the beef I am candy?


Food Rule: You are what you eat. 
I try to always buy local grass fed beef. I can usually get it at $4 a lb which is not much more than regular beef. I justify the cost because cows can't naturally digest corn and additives. Not to mention they are pumped full of antibiotics because they stand all day.
If I want to be lean, healthy and active I want to eat animals that are lean, healthy and active.
(The same goes for chicken, turkey and fish--- If you haven't seen it already watch Food Inc. )
Madison does a great job of providing grass fed local beef in many of their restaurants. I usually get my ground beef from the farmer's market. McCluskey Brothers Farm is my farm of choice.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


After a long standing on and off relationship with my last blog, I have decided that it was time to move on. It just wasn't working any more.

So, after 6 months, moving to a new town, getting married and starting my first job I have decided to begin again. New name, new blog, recharged and ready to go.

Here are some stats:

I am a recent graduate of UW Eau Claire (Wisconsin's Singing University). While in college I was a member of Women's Concert Chorale. That group not only changed my life but allowed me to meet my best friends and husband.

This spring I graduated with a degree in Elementary Education. My husband and I picked up our lives in Eau Claire and moved to the glorious capital city of Madison. Everyday, I feel lucky to live in a city that values local and fresh ingredients.

My dieting story:

Growing up I was fortunate enough to have a grandmother and mother who knew what good nutrition was and how to implement it into a daily lifestyle. My dad on the other hand grew up in a typical American family where burgers and processed foods were a must for a tight budget. My relationship with athletics was about as on and off as my relationship with healthy food. I played one season of soccer, softball and track. Freshman year of high school ,choir took over and that was that.

My senior year of high school I began working at the YMCA. I had a free membership and began running. Since then I have began spinning, turbo kick, weigh training and water aerobics. I am currently a water aerobics instructor at a fitness club in Madison. Working out is my time.

Food is another story. I LOVE TO EAT. I don't buy expensive purses or have a collection of watches. I love the taste of food, the process of cooking and the joy of bringing people together. However, this has lead me to a dangerous relationship with food. I don't view it as fuel rather a passion.

I have done calorie counting, slim fast, weight watchers, south beach, paleo and whole foods. The conclusion I have come to is that food is good. But food should be good for you. it attempt to deliver motivation to eat GOOD food. Healthy, clean, whole foods. And if you eat too much then I will motivate you to get active and find your fitness motivation.

I love questions, comments and constructive criticism.